Wallcoverings by Design R Wall
CALL US: (814) 654-7509
textured wall coverings wallpaper alternative

Textured Wall Coverings

A unique idea for wall coverings! Let Design-R-Wall help you with wall covering ideas!

NO matching patterns
NO unsightly seams
NO expensive installation
NO toxic materials
Installation Tools and Accessories
You will need:

Priming Supplies: Screwdriver, drop cloth, masking tape, BIN Primer/Sealer by W.M. Zinsser Company, paint brushes and roller covers, and spackling or joint compound for repairing surface defects.

Applying Design R Wall®: Design R Wall® Product, Design R Wall® roller cover, Paint roller handle, Design R Wall® smoody , plastic mixing tub , and lukewarm water.

AGA Spray guns are available for rent or purchase if you choose to spray on Design R Wall®.

Roller Cover and Handle - Specially designed roller cover that fits all 9-inch roller handles. Using a proper roller cover is essential when applying Design•R Wall®. (Roller Cover and Handle can be purchased separately).
Roller Cover - 1/8 inch nap Roller Cover that fits all 9 inch roller cover handles. Using a proper roller cover is essential when applying Design R Wall®.
Smoody - Clear plastic tool designed especially for applying Design R Wall® , for doing corners, getting straight edges, and smoothing. Gives a professional look to your Design R Wall®.
Taping Knife - Lightweight plastic tool to assist in application of Design R Wall® before rolling.
Plastic Tub - White plastic tub 14" x 12" for mixing 1 bag of Design R Wall® at a time. Great for small jobs!
Catalogue - 11-1/2 x 11" bound hard cover that shows large samples of all colors. Great for dealers and interior decorators!
Fan Deck - 5" x 6-1/2" boxed samples of all colors excluding sale items. Great for contractors.
Information Pack - Includes multi samples, sales sheet, pricing information, product information, estimate guide, brochure, and instructional sheet. just $10.00 (refundable with first order). E-mail or call to order.
AGA Spray Gun - which includes 1 stainless steel gun and 2 orifices, 8 tips), and an adapter. Use for Design R Wall® and other painting projects.
An information packet is available on request including actual Design-R-Wall® samples.
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($10.00 for Shipping, refundable with your first order).